so i went to a personal trainer 9 times in december and waxed about it halfway through in things that hurt. and it did. but then it didn't hurt as badly and i recovered more quickly each time and began to notice improvements, not that i'll be appearing clothesless here anytime soon. i am definitely an exhibitionist but only at home with the blinds drawn and the lights off and my eyes closed. now i've joined a gym and have started working out on my own as in sans trainer as in the only people around me are grunting busybodies and i'm one of them.
today was my first day at the new gym and i pushed myself about 85% as hard as my trainer had which by some misinformed math means it will take me 15% longer to reach my goals which by the way i don't have any specific goals besides being stronger and healthier which i already feel. so it's not about attaining certain measurements meaning i don't plan on hanging a weight from my dick but if i did i'd hang the 22.5 pound dumbbell because i like saying dumbbell because it's so how they threw shade on leave it to beaver.
the gym is not the enemy. it's just work. it's just tough. and then i go home. the best part was being too lazy to change back into my bacco bucci low boots so i wore my blue black ben sherman pants with my white asics sneakers, like diane keaton wore a skirt and sneakers in baby boom for her commute and basically every woman did too in working girl except melanie griffith whom i think wore stilettos on the subway. since i haven't name brand dropped enough, let me add the socks were smartwool and the underwear was sweaty. though sweaty is not a brand. it's a lifestyle. okay, calvin klein red band because they're comfortable and mr. ck is not rich enough.
while i was doing this, the media was still obsessing about britney spears falling asleep in a vegas nightclub on new year's eve. or maybe she passed out drunk. i don't care. it's just to distract us from the real issues - wars/occupations, the fda approving cloned food, and kathy griffin being banned from several major talk shows because people are afraid of her. now i need to eat organic chicken and broccoli and yams while wearing american apparel sweatpants and t-shirt. this would be a good deal more pretentious if i'd mentioned dolce & gabbana once.