of all the professional wrestlers who could possibly kill their families and then themselves, why did it have to be chris benoit's murder suicide shenanigans? why couldn't it have been hulk hogan to do the deeds? at least then daughter brooke's music career would be over. oh wait, it already is.
time will tell if it was 'roid rage, but for now i'm just glad chris never took me up on an offer i made via a homemade sign i brought to a wwe show at seattle's key arena a few year's ago. it was simply a downward arrow pointing at myself and the now horrifying words "future mrs. benoit!" my alternate sign "take me to the edge!" directed at, of course, edge had actually been greeted with a friendly nod by edge himself. benoit thankfully ignored me.
joking about the deaths last night with a friend, because that's how we roll, we wondered if benoit had killed them with his trademark crippler crossface. since his son died of being smothered, this actually now seems like a possibility. somehow murder suicide is not funny today. or at least not as funny.
but back to air quotes funny. since he was known as the rabid wolverine, perhaps the medical examiner will discover he actually had rabies and there can be a panic inducing headline "rabid wolverine kills family then self!"
he's still one of the hottest pieces of rough trade wrestling has ever produced, even if he's dead. goodbye chris.
p.s. possibly wwe should have waited on airing the hours long benoit tribute it did on monday night. tributes to murderers aren't as cool as they used to be.
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